Cup and ring.
Cups galore.
Rowtor Rocks, September evening.
Single cup.
Two more cups on the rock behind and above the right hand cup and ring.
Close up of the cup and double ring.
From Hayman Rooke, Esq.‘s article “An account of some Druidical Remains on Stanton and Hartle Moor in the Peak, Derbyshire”.
Where the hell did I leave the Batmobile?
This is the rock near the carved chairs. Note the ‘cross’ shape in the midst of the cup marks. Is it a more recent addition?
The cup marks on this rock are just visible along that top edge.
The white bits on the left are snow from the night before.
Slightly skewed angle
From the July 1st issue, p13.
A couple of other possible cupmarks, towards the western end of the outcrop.
Single large cupmark on boulder towards the western end of the outcrop, no idea if natural or not?
The best-known cup and rings, looking very green.
The solitary boulder with the cup and ring marks, seen from the armchair outcrop above.
flower carving
Rowter C+R
Rowter C+R
Looks like a walking man with a weird head to me, probably natural though.
Natural. ?
Located in a small rock shelter with several roof lintels overhead, one of Thomas Eyres creations no doubt.
Detail of the central cup and ring carving on the angular boulder, sorry for the messy water marks, i forgot my brush. !
What i believe is an unrecorded cup mark, it’s position in realtion to the angular boulder, the cup is to the right of my sack, upper left.
Stu. ?
Unrecorded cup mark. ?
The central cup and ring of the three on the angular boulder.
Cup with worn ring.
This one is often overlooked but well worth a gander.
inside the cave at Rowter
The largest of the rocking stones at Rowtor Rocks.
Detail of the three cup and ring carvings at Rowtor Rocks.
Detail of the rosette.
The ‘serpent’ carving to the left and its lower neighbour.
two cup and rings centre picture
Two cupmarks
Lots of dimples and two good cupmarks
The cup and ring marked boulder, note the arc of cup marks? to the bottom right
Two cup and ring marks
The Rowtor Rocks, eastern edge above the pub, c1839.
Actually not Rowter but the next outcrop east
Actually not Rowter but the next outcrop east, still an interesting stone though
03/06. Single cup mark above, and to the north of, the large cup and ring marked boulder.
06/06. Rowtor’s largest rocking stone, now sadly toppled, mentioned in Rhiannons ‘misc notes’ below. (Robin Hoods Stride to the centre of the photo on the horizon).
04/05. Rowtor’s last remaining rocking stone...
02/06. Low rake sunlight and bare trees provide a rare opportunity to see the carvings around the central cup and ring motif. Note incised lines too in centre left of photo.
02/06. Cup with worn ring, possible gutter to the right.
09/03. The worn 3rd cup and ring on the top left corner of the cup and ring carved boulder.
A close up of what is probably the most well-known example of ‘prehistoric’ rock art on Rowtor Rocks. To get this image I had to employ the trick of wetting the stone to emphasis the otherwise faint play of light and shade.
(For more images of Rowtor, as well as other sites on Stanton and Harhill Moors, visit )
This feature, located on a rock at Rowtor a level down to the north of the ‘armchair’, is notoriously difficult to photograph owing to its extremely worn condition. This image is the best I have been able to achieve to date, and is from sufficiently far away to illustrate its location to those seeking to find it for the first time.
(More images of Rowtor, as well as other locations on Stanton and Harthill Moors, at )
...a chesterfield for megalithomaniacs!
05/03. These marks are to the left of the serpent carvings on the same rock. Are they part of another worn carving?
Holy pointed out this particular feature – is it a puppy or a serpent’s head?
12/02. The ‘serpent’ carving as seen from the path.(upside down?) the cup marked head can be seen at bottom, and the ‘c’ or’u’ shaped part to the left.
12/02. The carving on the rock below the ‘serpent’. There is another cup mark in the leaves.
more rock art at Rowtor Rocks
03/02. Near the rock cut armchair on the top of the rocks, a boulder with two ring marks can be seen on the level below.
I’m astounded by this place. I know it’s not a monument as such, but by The Lord Harry it’s a remarkable spot. No wonder it was chosen for cup and ring stuff. It has a sense of place that just oozes from the rocks, from the soil, from the vegetation, from the gaps in between the rocks even.
The re-working done by the modern folk hasn’t detracted anything from the Genius Loci. If anything it’s just added to it.
I had originally planned to visit after dark, but was advised by a wise fella that this might be a good way to injure myself. Having seen the holes in the ground and the precipitous drops, grasping brambles and slidey mud bits, I can now see why. Having said that, I’m going back after dark at some point. It would be rude not to.
The cup and ring marks are faint, and the quarrying evident all over the place does make you wonder what may have been lost (despite what I wrote there about the genius loci). The main ones are on the SW side of the outcrop, below the carved armchair. If you take the path up from the pub, this puts them at the other end of the outcrop, past the carved steps leading to the armchair, and down to your left as you’re looking at the chair. A nice unique little motif with flower petal things, iirc, the boulder with the smaller concentric motifs is just below this.
This is a magical place set in a megalithic landscape.
You can see evidence of the hand of man altering the rocks stretching way back into prehistory. There are at least two sets of rock carvings here that are unique, this is not suprising once you look at the landscape they are set in. Views across the valley to Cratcliff Rocks and Robin Hood’s Stride with Nine Stones Close just beyond, Doll Tor and the Andle Stone less that 1km away and Stanton Moor just beyond that. This is a beautiful and unique landscape and must have influenced the minds of the carvers.
The Serpent carving was very difficult to make out and will probably have to be visited in different light conditions to appreciate it’s true beauty. The quartered circle with cup and petal motifs is gorgeous as are the two ‘eye-like’ rings.
The none-prehistoric carvings are is amazing too. What was in the head of the barmy masons who altered huge swathes of the rocks. Caves, steps, seats, passages and massive rock faces have all been created from the altered rocks. Me and Stu checked out one rock cut room that had been worked on every surface, a small hole had been bored through the cave wall to allow a tiny shaft of light to enter the otherwise dark room. In this room I saw the biggest spider I have ever seen in the UK, it was supsended from the roof and guarding a huge silk ball.
Whilst admiring the view, a huge wagon drove by in the valley below, on the back of the wagon were three massive stone blocks, evidence that the Derbyshire stonemasons have an unbroken lineage from the present day back to the neolithic (that beats the phoney freemasons, with their Solomon’s temple crap, hands down dunnit?).
Rowtor Rocks is a magical place, take your kids, take a torch and take your time.
This is a truly amazing site – from the moment I entered the site I felt transported. Each turn around the huge boulders offers something new – at times it’s like being on one of the original Star Trek sets. The subtle movement between the natural and the artificial is the most incredible thing here – cave entrances turn out to be man-made, passageways to higher and lower levels of the rocks open up before you. The actual prehistoric rock art on display (what little we could find of it) is just a small part of the attraction here – these rocks seems to have been drawing human attention forever. An incredibly magickal place.
Most of the ancient carvings are found on the western edge of the outcrop, around the level below the 3 seater rock armchair.
The ‘cross’ in Baz’s pic is on the northern side 20ft below the armchair.
The cup and ringed marked boulder can be seen south of the chair on the level below, two of the carvings can be seen. While a very worn third carving, is on the boulders top flat left hand corner.
25ft west of the cup and ring boulder and under a large tree is a very worn carving of a ‘serpent’? There’s a large cup mark and a faint wavy line travelling down the rock, with a semi cirle carving next to it ( along with the cup this is the most prominent part )
A couple of feet below this, in the tree roots is another rock with a worn carving along the same lines as the ‘serpent’. 6 cup marks and another faint wavy line between them.
I always knew these as Druid Rocks when I was growing up in Derbyshire, but ‘officially’ they’re called Rowtor Rocks. They resemble a mini-Robin Hood’s Stride. There are many legends and myths about druidic activity on the rocks (although as far as I know the evidence is sketchy) and the Victorians loved ‘em. There are comfy little armchairs carved into the rocks, and several caves, rooms and passages to explore. I went up there yesterday for the first time in years, and they’re as much fun as they’ve always been. If you’re going to the Nine Ladies or the Andle Stone, then don’t miss these rocks. The views from the top are amazing, especially in winter when there are no leaves on the trees. Does anyone know any history of Rowtor?
Further to the rock art that is shown in the photographs the DAJ note 3 more examples
i) Two parrallel lines of cups flanked by two pairs of cups with a long groove above them
ii) A large cup surrounded by a ring of seven cups with a further five cups nearby.
iii) Similar to ii) a central cup and five outer cups.
It should be observed, that the huge masses which occupy the summit of the Router rocks, range from east to west along the middle of the hill, and have had a narrow passage and two chambers or caves cut within them. The largest cave has a remarkable sound, and has thence been named the Echo; its length is sixteen feet, its width twelve, and its height about nine. The origin of these excavations cannot have been very remote, as the marks of the pick on the sides are very visible and fresh. They were probably formed about the same period as an elbow-chair near the west end on the north side, which has been rudely shaped on the face of a large mass of stone, and has a seat for one person on each side of it. This we have been informed was executed by the direction of Mr. Thomas Eyre, who inhabited the ancient manor-house, called Router hall, near the foot of the hill on the south, between seventy and eighty years ago, and used frequently to entertain company on this elevated spot.
From p280 of ‘The history of the county of Derby‘ by Stephen Glover (1829).
The name of these rocks bespeaks the purpose to which they have been applied, as the compound appellation of Row-tor, or Roo-tor, Rocks appears to have been derived from the various rocking-stones near the summit, as it is common in the provincial dialect to say that a thing “roos” which moves backwards and forwards.
In the view given, which shows the principal platform on the summit, a large rock is seen against which a man is pushing. This is the largest rocking-stone. Its height is about 10 feet, and its circumference in the widest part about 30; its basse has somewhat a convex form, and the rock on which it stands has evidently been hollowed out to receive it. At one time it could easily be moved by the pressure of the hand; but on Whit-Sunday, in the year 1799, a party of fourteen young men mischievously threw it off its base. It was, however, restored to its former position, but the nice balance was destroyed, and it now requires the whole force of a strong man to move it in the least.
At a little distance northward is a second rocking-stone, somewhat resembling an egg laid on one side, which may be moved by the pressure of a single finger, though 12 feet in length and 14 in breadth.
More directly north is another rocking-stone, resembling the latter both in figure and facility of motion, and at the west end are seven stones piled on each other, various in size and form, and two or three very large ones, that can all be shaken by the pressure of one hand on application to various parts.
One remarkable feature of this interesting spot is a natural tunnel through the rocks, the opening to which is half-way up the pathway. It is exceedingly gloomy, receiving light only from the narrow and low entrance, which requires the visitor to stoop very much on entering. As soon as the eye becomes accustomed to the gloom, the numerous crevices and cracks in the rocks are found to be filled with a most beautiful and delicate moss, of such a dazzling, vivid green, that as the light catches its velvet-like surface, the cavern seems adorned with veins of the most brilliant emeralds.
From ‘The Scenery and Traditions of England’ in The London Journal, July 1st, 1871 (p13).
A little more on what we’re missing, with added rant:
[At Land’s End] a few years ago an officer of the British Navy amused himself and his crew by the wanton overthrow of [a rocking stone] from its balance. On representation properly made, he was obliged to restore the stone to its former state at his own cost.
It would have been well if the idle and foolish visitors of Matlock had been compelled to do the same to the logan stones at Rowtor Rocks, near Bakewell in Derbyshire. In the year 1793 there were, on an eminence of about the height of a common barrow, three stones in a state of perfect vibration. Two of them were small, not perhaps a yard high, but one, nearly spherical, was about ten feet high; and could be made to vibrate by continued though easy pushes.
It should seem that a little cost might restore the stones to their ancient state of vibration. The act would be gratifying to the rational antiquary, and reprove that idle and indeed wicked propensity to wanton mischief in which Englishmen of almost all ranks are eminent above the people of all other nations.
p168 in Naology: Or, A Treatise on the Origin, Progress, and Symbolical Import of the Sacred Structures. By John Dudley (1846).
Major Hayman Rooke suggested that the name of Rootor came about in reference to the outcrops rocking stones, of which there once were reputedly 8 or 9.
The word ‘roo’ being an old Peak(/English?) word for something that moves “to and fro”.
The village of Birchover was also once known by the same name, Rowtor/Rootor.
If your ever up here...check out the small chapel at the foot of the rocks. Built by Thomas Eyre in the 18C, the man thought to be responsible for the more modern carvings and rock shelters. On the small porch built on the side are carved stones and stone heads. These were found around the village and are believed to have come from a local Norman church, site of which is now lost.
Clip of a rocking stone at Rowtor Rocks
Wonderful stereoscopic image of the top of Rowtor Rocks circa 1860.
This is a great local history site, if you go back to and follow the local history link on the lefthand side, there are pages of info on Stanton Moor, the Nine Ladies, Doll Tor, Harthill and more
Sites within 20km of Rowtor Rocks
Doll Tor Standing Stone
photo 9 description 1 -
Doll Tor
photo 79 forum 4 description 15 -
Cratcliff Rocks (Defended Settlements and Cave)
photo 27 description 5 -
Nine Stones Close standing stone
photo 10 description 2 -
The Andle Stone
photo 30 description 11 -
photo 3 description 3 -
Nine Stones Close
photo 127 forum 1 description 20 -
Cork Stone
photo 28 description 7 -
Bradley Tor
photo 7 forum 1 description 6 -
Robin Hood’s Stride
photo 72 forum 3 description 15 link 1 -
Nine Stones Close cup marked stone
photo 6 forum 1 description 1 -
Dudwood Tor
photo 7 description 1 -
T37 cairn
photo 3 -
Heart Stone
photo 2 description 1 -
T2 cairn
photo 15 -
T44,45 & 46
photo 1 description 1 -
Stanton Moor South
photo 17 description 5 -
Sanctuary Wood
photo 2 description 1 -
T25 cairn
photo 9 -
Harthill Moor Barrow
photo 1 description 1 -
Castle Ring (Harthill)
photo 21 description 2 -
T55 cairn
photo 5 link 1 -
Stanton Moor Central
photo 20 description 8 -
Gorse Stone
photo 9 description 4 -
Nine Ladies of Stanton Moor
photo 115 forum 26 description 50 link 2 -
Tower Cairn
photo 7 description 1 -
Stanton Moor North
photo 23 description 5 -
Cat Stone
photo 3 description 3 -
Bonsall Lane
photo 2 description 1 -
Larks Low
photo 4 description 1 -
Darley Dale
photo 5 forum 2 description 4 -
Haddon Fields South
description 1 -
Borther Low II
Elton Common
photo 10 description 2 -
Borther Low
description 1 -
Green Low Barrow
photo 5 description 2 -
Green Low
photo 22 description 4 -
photo 4 forum 1 description 1 -
Haddon Fields North
photo 1 description 1 -
Stoney Low
photo 3 description 1 -
Gratton Moor
photo 2 description 1 -
Long Gallery Plantation
description 1 -
Cranes Fort
photo 4 description 2 -
Long Dale
photo 1 description 2 -
Bee Low
photo 1 description 2 -
Kenslow Knoll
photo 7 description 1 -
description 2 -
Gotham Grange Barrow
photo 2 description 1 -
Smerrill Moor
photo 2 description 1 -
Slipper Low
description 2 -
Slipper Low II
description 1 -
Minninglow Round Barrow
photo 8 description 1 -
photo 61 description 12 link 1 -
Ringham Low (Friden)
description 1 -
Moot Low
description 2 -
Bumper Castle
photo 1 description 1 -
Grind Low
description 1 -
Gallows Low Lane
photo 2 description 1 -
Galley Low
photo 5 description 1 -
Roystone Grange
Powder Barrow
photo 2 description 1 -
Friden Hollow
photo 1 description 1 -
Calling Low Dale
photo 4 description 1 link 1 -
Masson Hill
photo 3 description 2 -
Raven Tor
photo 2 description 1 -
Burton Moor
description 2 -
Calton Pastures
photo 11 description 2 -
Raven Tor Triple Cairn
photo 19 forum 3 description 9 -
Daisy Bank
description 1 -
Farley Moor
photo 11 description 5 -
Roystone Rocks
photo 4 description 1 -
Aleck Low
photo 7 description 3 -
Harboro’ Rocks
photo 31 description 6 -
Rains Cave
photo 4 description 2 -
Cales Dale Upper
photo 1 description 1 -
Middleton Moor
photo 1 description 2 -
Roystone Valley
Ball Cross
photo 11 description 2 -
Blackstones Low
photo 2 description 2 -
Fallinge Edge
photo 1 description 1 -
Round Low
photo 2 description 2 -
Cales Farm SW
photo 2 description 2 -
Eaton Dale Wood
photo 3 description 1 -
One Ash
photo 1 description 1 -
Lime Kiln Barrow
photo 1 description 1 -
One Ash Shelter
photo 2 description 1 -
Lindup Low
photo 1 description 2 -
Beeley North (South 2)
photo 3 description 4 -
Beeley South (South I)
photo 1 description 2 -
Chatsworth Park
photo 2 description 1 -
Fallinge Edge
description 1 -
Rainster Rocks
photo 5 description 1 -
Seven Brideron (site)
photo 1 description 1 link 1 -
Beeley Moor
photo 6 description 2 -
Bole Hill
Arbor Low
photo 163 forum 11 description 39 link 3 -
Wishing Stone
photo 2 description 2 -
One Ash
description 1 -
Beeley Warren NW
photo 1 description 1 -
Ringham Low
photo 2 description 3 -
Gib Hill
photo 31 forum 1 description 12 -
Gib Hill east
photo 7 description 5 -
Park Gate Stone Circle
photo 40 description 7 link 1 -
Beeley Warren
photo 3 description 2 -
Cuckoo Stone
photo 4 description 1 -
Beeley Warren ??
photo 2 description 1 -
Beeley Central
photo 4 description 2 -
Carsington Pasture’s Cave
photo 1 description 1 link 2 -
End Low
photo 4 description 2 -
Gallows Knoll
photo 2 description 1 -
Beeley Warren NE
description 1 -
Handley Bottom
photo 1 description 1 -
Ivet Low
photo 1 description 1 -
Hirst Stones (site)
description 7 -
Harland Edge
photo 6 description 4 -
Benty Grange
description 2 -
Hawks Low
Moneystone Barrows
photo 1 description 2 -
Harland Edge Cairn
description 1 -
Harland Edge SW (b)
description 1 -
Harland Edge SW (a)
description 1 -
Lean Low
photo 7 description 3 -
Stump Cross Field Barrow
photo 3 description 2 -
Bunkers Hill Plantation
photo 3 description 2 -
Harland Edge cup marked rock
photo 3 description 1 -
Wirksworth I
photo 13 forum 1 description 3 -
Crackendale Pasture
photo 3 description 2 -
Hob Hurst’s House
photo 25 description 13 -
Wirksworth II (site)
photo 2 description 1 -
Harland Edge SE
photo 2 description 1 -
Gibbet Moor Standing Stones
photo 7 description 2 -
Wirksworth III
photo 1 description 3 -
Harewood Moor
description 1 -
Parsley Hay
photo 3 description 1 -
Liffs Low
photo 3 description 1 link 1 -
Ows Low
description 1 -
Gibbet Moor South
photo 2 description 2 -
Gibbet Moor West
description 3 -
photo 12 description 3 -
Gibbet Moor and East Moor
photo 9 description 1 -
Cross Low
photo 3 description 1 -
Vincent Knoll
photo 1 description 1 -
Gibbet Moor North
photo 19 description 5 -
Gibbet Moor cist
photo 3 description 2 -
The Stoup
photo 8 description 3 -
Dobb Edge
photo 7 description 3 -
Longside Moor
photo 1 description 1 -
The Lowe
photo 1 -
Nettly Knowe
description 1 -
Gibbet Moor West
photo 1 -
Hole Stone (site)
description 1 -
Carder Low
photo 1 description 2 -
photo 3 description 1 -
Wolfscote Hill
photo 1 description 1 -
Gibbet Alignment
photo 10 description 3 -
Bank Top Oval Barrow
description 1 -
Bank Top
description 1 -
Hognaston Barrow
photo 1 description 1 -
New Inns
description 1 -
Green Low Field Tumulus
photo 2 description 1 -
Crake Low
description 1 -
Rod Knoll
photo 6 description 2 -
Turning Stone and Robin Hoods Mark
photo 8 description 6 -
Hob’s House
photo 6 description 5 -
Fin Cop
photo 19 forum 1 description 8 link 3 -
Stone Low
photo 3 -
Frank I' Th' Rocks
photo 3 description 2 -
Gardom’s Ring Cairn
photo 8 description 4 -
Wigber Low
photo 17 description 2 -
Old Woman’s House
photo 1 description 1 -
Birchen Edge South
description 1 -
Newbridge Farm
photo 2 description 1 -
photo 12 description 6 link 1 -
The Three Men of Gardoms
photo 11 description 4 -
White Cliff
photo 2 description 1 -
Moat Low
photo 2 description 2 -
Gorsey Low
description 1 -
Gardom’s Enclosure
photo 17 description 6 -
Gardoms Pit Alignment
photo 3 forum 1 description 1 -
Gratton Hill
photo 2 -
Blake Low
description 2 -
photo 5 description 1 -
Gardom’s Edge
photo 22 description 7 link 2 -
Putwell Hill
description 2 -
Boars Low
photo 10 description 3 -
Gardoms Standing Stone
photo 20 forum 1 description 8 -
Castlegate Lane
description 3 -
Sharp Low
photo 2 description 2 -
Gardom’s Edge II
photo 6 description 2 -
Pea Low
photo 15 description 2 -
Hay Dale
description 2 -
Hay Top
description 1 -
Eagle Stone
photo 6 description 5 -
Bostern Grange
description 1 -
Pillsbury Hills Castle
photo 2 description 1 -
Narrowdale Hill
photo 4 description 1 -
Waggon Low
Birchen Edge North
photo 1 description 1 -
photo 2 description 3 link 1 -
Basset Wood
photo 1 description 1 -
Rolley Low
photo 1 description 2 -
Steep Low
photo 1 description 1 -
Cronkston Low
photo 6 description 3 -
Stanshope Pasture
photo 1 description 1 -
Ravencliffe Cave
photo 4 link 1 -
description 1 -
Reynard’s Kitchen
photo 3 description 2 -
Wardlow Hay Cop
description 1 -
White Rake Long Barrow
photo 2 description 1 -
Brund Low
photo 1 description 2 -
Wetton Hill Cairns East
photo 11 -
Curbar Edge
photo 8 description 1 -
Swine Sty
photo 22 description 3 -
Barbrook V
photo 15 description 3 -
Moisty Knowl (Site of)
description 1 -
Big Moor (south) cairns
photo 9 -
Long Low
photo 18 description 7 -
Barbrook Stone Row
photo 2 forum 1 -
Fox Hole Cave
photo 23 description 3 link 2 -
Big Moor
photo 1 description 1 -
Barbrook I
photo 64 forum 4 description 15 link 1 -
Sycamore Cave
photo 2 description 3 -
Five Wells
photo 46 description 13 link 1 -
Great Low
photo 3 description 1 -
Wetton Low
photo 2 description 1 -
Wetton Hill
photo 1 description 1 -
description 2 -
Barbrook cairns
photo 32 description 2 -
Barbrook II
photo 42 forum 1 description 12 -
Hanging Bank, Ecton Hill
photo 2 description 2 link 1 -
Barbrook IV
photo 5 description 5 -
Peter’s Stone
photo 5 description 2 -
Froggatt Edge cairn
Chelmorton Low
photo 2 description 1 -
Stoke Flat
photo 60 forum 1 description 12 link 1 -
Old Hannah’s Hole
photo 1 description 1 -
Wetton Mill Upper Cave
photo 1 -
Dafar Ridge Cave
photo 1 description 1 -
Cheshire Wood Cave
photo 1 description 3 -
Blake Low
description 1 -
Wetton Mill Farm Fissure
Beeston Tor Cave
photo 2 forum 1 description 1 -
Mill Pot & Cave
Nan Tor
photo 2 description 2 -
St Bertram’s
photo 1 description 2 -
Ossum’s Crag Cave
description 2 -
Thor’s Cave
photo 26 description 9 link 1 -
Thor’s Fissure Cavern
photo 5 description 1 -
Seven Ways Cave
photo 9 description 3 -
Hitter Hill
photo 13 description 3 link 1 -
Chee Tor
photo 2 description 1 -
Tup Low
description 1 -
Elderbush Cave
photo 10 description 3 -
Falcon Low
photo 1 description 1 -
White Edge Cairn
photo 1 description 1 -
Barbrook III
photo 21 description 9 -
Town Low
description 1 -
Harley Grange
photo 13 description 1 -
photo 17 description 1 -
description 1 -
Hazelton Clump
photo 2 description 1 -
Thirst House
photo 5 description 3 -
photo 20 description 6 -
Stanage II
photo 4 description 2 -
Dowel Cave
photo 8 description 2 -
Musden Low
photo 3 description 1 -
Top Low and Net Low
photo 5 description 2 -
Hind Low (Site of)
photo 3 -
Eyam Moor III
photo 8 description 4 -
Etches Cave
photo 15 description 2 -
Musden Low (West)
photo 1 -
Musden Low (South)
photo 2 -
Eyam Moor II
photo 4 description 4 -
Eyam Moor Barrow
photo 24 description 7 -
Wet Withens
photo 32 forum 1 description 15 link 1 -
Upper edge
photo 2 description 1 -
Burr Tor
photo 3 forum 1 description 3 -
Dun Low
photo 3 description 1 -
Cow Low
description 2 -
Cup stone
photo 2 description 1 -
description 1 -
Longshaw Estate
photo 4 description 2 -
photo 2 description 1 -
Gospel Hillocks
photo 1 description 3 -
Lawrence Field
photo 8 forum 1 description 3 -
Brown Edge
photo 15 forum 4 description 5 -
Wind Low
photo 2 description 1 -
Waterfall Low
photo 6 description 2 -
description 1 -
photo 12 description 4 -
Highlow Bank
photo 1 description 1 -
Grub Low
photo 2 description 1 -
Osmaston Fields 2
photo 2 description 1 -
Tinker’s Inn
photo 1 description 1 -
Highlow Bank Stone
photo 4 forum 1 description 2 -
Highlow Bank Cairn
photo 1 description 1 -
Cop Low
description 1 -
Hollins Hill
photo 13 forum 1 description 3 -
Stoup High Edge
photo 6 description 1 -
Mother Cap Stone
photo 11 description 2 -
Offerton Moor East
photo 3 description 1 -
Offerton Moor West
photo 6 description 2 -
Strawberry Lea
photo 11 description 3 -
Smelting Hill & Abney Moor
photo 12 description 2 -
Southwest of Burbage Bridge
Bole Hill Hillfort
description 2 -
Osmaston Fields
photo 3 description 1 -
Toad’s Mouth
photo 2 description 1 -
Hathersage Moor Ring Cairn
photo 2 description 3 -
Toads Mouth Cairn /
Barrow photo 1 description 1 -
The Tong
description 2 -
Burbage Rocks
photo 1 forum 1 description 1 -
Burton Bole
photo 3 -
Ciceley Low
photo 5 description 2 -
Stanton Dale Barrows
photo 2 description 1 -
Fox Low
description 1 -
Harpur Hill Cairn
photo 5 description 1 -
Winyard’s Nick
photo 6 -
Fingerem Stone
photo 7 forum 1 description 4 -
Margery Bower
photo 2 description 2 -
photo 3 description 1 -
photo 2 description 3 -
Merryton Low I
photo 2 description 1 -
Merryton Low II
description 1 -
Carl Wark & Hathersage Moor
photo 65 forum 2 description 9 link 1 -
Brand End
photo 5 forum 1 description 1 -
Fairfield Low
description 2 -
The Holmes
photo 1 description 1 -
Over Low
description 2