From the Lichfield Mercury, 9th March 1906.
From the summits of a hill in the Deer Park at Swythamley two great stones which manifestly must be heavily counterpoised at the other end project themselves some eight feet into space where they hang in the air as if they were the beetling brows on the head of this pine-clad eminence.
Here they have hung through untold centuries – local tradition says, ever since they were left there by the Flood; when, maybe, they frowned upon the slow subsidence of the sullen waters.
Two centuries ago, however, it was proved by a local antiquarian that the construction is palpably an artificial one; that it constitutes what has been called a “Charemluach,” or Hill-altar, such as certain ancient races were accustomed to offer their sacrifices upon. This Staffordshire example of a Charemluach is known as The Hanging Stone, a name to which the word Stone-henge is literally equivalent.
In the 21st century the ‘literally’ makes the author sound all the more desperate to connect their local stoney site to the famous druidy sacrifice place in Wiltshire. I think I’d prefer a trip here though; it looks solidly monumental and cool.