
Image of Henbury (Stone Circle) by postman

I imagine something like a shocked look to this stone, how did you find me?

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Henbury (Stone Circle) by postman

Just leave me in the hedge and tell no one you saw me, Right.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton



Like Gawsworth henge a couple of miles southeast, this stone circle is now utterly destroyed. I’d heard that maybe one stone survived, and was hiding out in the local hedges, near where he once dwelled with others in circular fashion.
Despite it’s good hiding place I still found it, quite easily about thirty feet from a metal stile in the hedge. It doesn’t look dumped, it is earth fast with no wobble, light grey in colour, perhaps limestone? it certainly looked the part anyway.
But there is a big open field, so the circle could be shifted about for a hundred yards in any direction.
I shall return at a later date for more rummaging in the hedgerows.
Until then, any more information anyone.

Sites within 20km of Henbury