
Image of Dudwood Tor (Rocky Outcrop) by postman

I think that’s Durwood Tor, with the Strides shadow for company.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Dudwood Tor

I posted this up a while ago and then removed it..because it didn’t really go along with what Barnatt had written... and who am I to nay-say the mighty Barnatt... it’s back now though.

Rooke noted in the 1780’s that 3 stone circles and an augurial seat stood at Durwood Tor to the west of The Stride.

Barnatt made mention of Rooke’s lost circles in his book of 1990 and had them as being in the area of Dudwood Farm on Dudwood which is to the south of The Stride.

There is no trace of the circles today, but under the south side of Durwood Tor is a stone shaped like a chair? this what Rooke was referring to?

A similar ‘augurial seat’ was said to have stood on Strawberry Hill in Leicestershire.

Sites within 20km of Dudwood Tor