Open Source Environment agency LIDAR
Open Source Environment agency LIDAR
From the corner of the field where entrance is gained through a gate. This is the same place that a megalithic portaleer took their picture from, but that might not mean much as it’s all gone.
Amongst the trees and the henge a stump has been carved into a seat, by the tree is some sandstone rubble, the only indication that I may have been close.
So is this it then
Or would a henge be on top of the hill, like this mild dimple.
Or is this it. I photographed the entire field so i’m confident that I saw it, I just don’t know it.
Off the A523 at Oakgrove, the henge was in a field behind the Fools Nook public house, I parked at the corner of the field at the junction with the old Leeke to Macc road and a small upwards pointing little lane.
The only hint of this henges existence is hearsay at best really, it was apparently finally destroyed in the 1980’s by my old buddy agriculture.
There is one picture on the megalithic portal (and some minor information) a picture of some trees, Iv’e recreated it here, but I don’t know if its a picture of the field in general or weather the trees mark the henge. There is a seat carved from a tree stump and by it there is some sandstone rubble at the foot of another tree, but niether of these miniscule scraps of information reveal the henges former where about’s, or if it was a henge at all.
To be better safe than sorry I took to wandering the field up and down looking for anything suspect, a couple of features caught my eye and iv’e supplied a picture of each, but at the end of a fruitless search we can only confirm that it is most decidedly gone.
After I’d quit the field I was having a further shufty nearby when I watched an unsuspecting fox come trundling over to within ten feet of me it saw me almost too late and yelped and careered off into another field, it fair gave me goosebumps and kind of repaid me for having no henge .