Jodrell in the middle
Jodrell in the middle
I’m coming to get you
The cloud floating above
My car for scale purposes only
The closest stone is the only one with no holes in it.
The Roaches and Hen cloud beyond.
Shutlingsloe between the two apparently non ancient stones.
The Roaches and Hen cloud with the Bawd stone between them between the two apparently non ancient stones.
The Cloud between the two apparently non ancient stones.
The hill is the cloud, the reservoir Tittesworth, the stone still stands, just, and the footpath goes thata way.
Bosley minn standing stone shooting at Gun hill
Closer to those gate post holes
And they lean to the left
Lurking car gets into the picture again, I really must land it out of the way.
Beyond the trees Bosley Minn on zoom from Gun hill, the standing stones are about in the middle of the long high ridge
The golden end of a golden day....
A prehistoric trackway? Elevated, with standing stones.... seems to fit the bill?
Best approached from the north coming off the Buxton road, at least four gates have to be opened, the last of which presented me with a wee problem, lots of young calves with a bull for chaperon, it was just about the biggest muscled bull ive ever seen, ring through it’s nose and everything, it was built like a Rhino, and it was standing in such a place that had I got out of the car to open the gate i’d have been nose to nose with it, quick thinker that I am I simply jumped over to the passenger seat and got out that side, stomping elegantly avoided, five minutes later a lilly livered walker of advancing years simply turned round and went back the way he’d come.
The first two stones encountered are said to be a genuine stone pair, Stubob says all five have been used as gateposts but I couldn’t see any holes in one of this pair. This pair, one a tall and bulky stone, with no holes and the other more angular and pointy with two shallow square holes. They occupy a good position looking west to the Cloud and off back home across Cheshire, and east the Roaches, Hen Cloud, and Luds Church. Good views.
The next two are said to be modern stones, they are smaller than the last two, and they dont lean, one stone has a Freemasons mystical mark carved on it, might not be though.
These two stones are the only ones to have a view of Shutlingsloe, and all the others views too.
The last stone was my favorite, it has a seriously low lean to it, leaning towards Gun hill no less. It lies at the bottom of a rise in the hill, none of the others can be seen, from any of them, the lands just too undulating.
This stone like four out five of the others has square shallow holes in it, these are supposed to be gate holes, but why are they so shallow and square?
If stood up straight, it would be four to five feet tall, but after so long on this blowy hill side we can forgive it’s lack luster posture. This is one of those stones you don’t even have to get out of the car for, but for the love of Bob park it out of the way, go over, and say hi.
There are 5 stones stretched out along a distance of 330m on Min-End Lane. 2 pairs and a single stone. They’ve all been used as gateposts in their time, and stand on the line of an old stripped out drystone wall.
The Cheshire Monuments lot, reckon 3 of the stones could be prehistoric in origin. (These are the pair furthest north and the single stone to the far south, with the modern gateposts in between).
The prehistoric idea seems to come from the stones looking different to the ‘modern’ squarer gateposts, (which seems to suggest that there is a kinda ‘model gatepost’) and the fact that they lean.
Not sure I go with it myself.....worth checking tho’ out for the views alone.