09/04. Looking out. Thor’s Cave can just be made out in the distance.
09/04. Looking out. Thor’s Cave can just be made out in the distance.
09/04. The two caves on Nan Tor. The cave to the left is a low-ish tunnel which winds its way through the Tor. While the right leads to a small open air chamber (roof collapsed?).
Nan Tor is perched above Wetton Mill Farm and the tearooms next door in the upper Manifold Valley. Shortest way up to the Tor is by heading down the track to Dale Farm, then keep looking to the right for a narrow scrubby path that heads steeply up through the trees and to the caves.
Although the Tor has two large south facing entrances, it is in fact
like a swiss cheese, tunnels everywhere. And while there’s nothing tricky about them, some of them can come out on high-ish vertical rock faces, so it’s best to be careful.
One of the caves has an open air chamber, where some of the roof looks to have collapsed.
Strange place. Great views down the valley to Thor’s Cave.
Nan Tor when excavated contained a wide array of prehistoric material including various parts of the human skeleton, Neolithic pottery, flint tools and arrowheads from the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age, bone tools, animal bones, pendants and again later finds up until the Medieval period.