Just south of Macclesfield, near the outskirt village of Sutton lane Ends is this cairn, you’ll probably need a map to find it, even though it’s visible from the road, and on Google street view.
I parked on the side of the icey road and set off across the field, for the first time today I was’nt trespassing but following a designated public path. Blyeck, but that didn’t last long as I was forced into the field next door to get to the cairn.
This is one big cairn, I would have been here ages ago had I known of it, not having enough money to get to Wales has it’s advantages.
Around 1877 it was dug into, a trench twelve feet long, six feet wide and eight feet deep revealing nothing but boulders, some split by fire.
Again it was mutilated in the name of science by James Forde-Johnston of Manchester University in 1962 finding no primary burial but several secondary cremations.
The big black water trough on top is quite unnecessary, and an awful blot on what is a mighty work of old, Sutton Hall farm....Ggggrrrrrrrr.
As I approached the cairn the sheep legged it, all except one, Tripod was his name (mine) and he guarded the cairn well, but then even he yielded to me. Then as I got closer and the cairns size became apparent it looked like it could be big enough to have a chamber in it somewhere, but alas it is not so. The snow and the fog makes it look cold but i’m all togged up and impervious to such things, in time the fog lifts slightly enough to see the outline of hills, outliers of the Peak.