
Image of Brown Edge (Stone Circle) by megadread

The large cairn photographed from the cairn at the centre of the circle.

Image credit: megadread
Image of Brown Edge (Stone Circle) by Chris Collyer

Looking northeast across the circle towards Sheffield. The bank extends to nearly the edge of the picture on either side and the stones of the inner and outer edge are visible to the left of centre. The central cairn is next to the clump of grass in the middle of picture.

Image of Brown Edge (Stone Circle) by stubob

10/02. cairn in middle of circle looking across to another fallen stone.


Brown Edge

There’s no danger of being shot at this site despite what you may read, been up there loads of times and the only unnerving thing is the low flying military aircraft that sometimes buzz the site, don’t worry they won’t bomb you.

Brown Edge

Never found it since!!...wound me up writing that. So today I made sure I chuffin’ well found it again.
Easy to miss and not a deal there when you find it, it has to be said. The kerb/rubble bank although overgrown is very wide with some good coarses of stones visible in the heather.

The site is marked as being in a ‘Danger Area’ on the O.S maps (rifle range), so keep your head down if there’s red flags about.

Brown Edge

I was once taken up here years ago. There wasn’t much to see, a low rubble bank and stones that may or may not have had something to do with the circle, and it was very overgrown.
Never found it since......

Sites within 20km of Brown Edge