I’ve dropped one of my remaining three bollocks....and so in all probability this stone should maybe removed from the website...As it is more than likely a rubbing post.
The Dodds, A.E & E.M, even mention it as such in their book “Peakland Roads and Tracks”.
So even though the entry for the larger Bradstone on Pastscape.org did mention two stones (one smaller than the other) at roughly this location, it would seem they referred instead to the, ‘known missing’, standing stone further to the east.
Visited here on Friday 28th October, and unable to locate any stone in the field. However, a small stone very much like the one in the photo was seen on a pile of rubble just through the gateway to the East of this field. Oh dear.
From Wirksworth I this stone is in the field to the east... 200m away.
Perhaps 50-60cm tall when upright... and a complete contrast to the other 2 stones which stand/stood either side of it.