Manifold Valley Caves

The Manifold Valley (River Manifold = river of many folds/bends) is a long steep sided limestone valley. It begins kinda near Ecton and winds and gouges its way southwards several miles through the hills of Wetton continuing on a few miles farther before meeting up with the River Dove. Close to St. Bertrams Cave at Beeston Tor the River Hamps joins the Manifold.

There’s roadside parking at Wetton Mill, SK095 561, near to the Nan Tor Caves it’s then just a case of working your way southwards with the map references for the caves, most have a vague sorta path leading up to them.
For St Bertrams Cave, park at SK100 543, unless you wanna make a longer walk of it and continue south from Thor’s Cave to Beeston Tor Farm.

An excellent place to spend the’s sorta Creswell Crags on steroids....and even better some of the caves aren’t gated.

If you time it right during a good dry spell the River Manifold may or may not be disappears into a large swallet by Wetton Mill or the Darfar Bridge and re-emerges a mile or so further down stream.