
Image of Coity Chambered Tomb by postman

It is a touch overgrown since it’s last visitor.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Coity Chambered Tomb by postman

I got torn to shreds just clearing it this much, honestly, it would be easier trying to look into another universe.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Coity Chambered Tomb

Eric and I didnt have a problem getting to the site, I parked by the house next to the footpath, there were two stiles I think and there we have it, but we didn’t, oh no, no sign of it at all. It should be pretty visible by the hedge but it was gone, I began to doubt my sons stone finding abilities. Hadn’t I taught him well?
I couldnt see it where it was supposed to be so we went past it til it was obvious we’d gone too far, then went back down the hill, then I walked past where it should have been to the end of the field, still nothing. So I jumped a hedge or two and found an older couple walking their dog, apparently they knew where the burial chamber was, I walked with them til we got to a point where they said it’s in that field there through that gate up against the hedge. Perfect, that’s the field I’ve just come from, so I went back through the gate went straight to the top of the field and walked slowly back down, poking about in the undergrowth, and yaaay there it is, I think, more than poking about is needed here, it is almost completely invisible. About now I begin to wonder where Eric is, did he follow me into the other fields or go back to the car?
I set about clearing the brambles, ferns and long grasses, I have no shears, no scissors, my teeth are pretty blunt so I trample as best I can while being torn to shreds. I got six photos in then the brambles tripped me over and my camera went inexplicably misty, two more unsatisfactory photos and I have to admit that I need to come back and do it properly, but god knows when that will be. I have run out of time, I have a date tonight, a date with the force and light sabers, a galaxy far away brings me back to normality, and a long drive home.

Coity Chambered Tomb

Visited 12.3.11
As I was in the area visiting Coity Castle (CADW site – free entry) I thought I would pop along to revisit Coity Chambered Tomb.
When I lat visited I was still new to all this and when I saw the locked gate with the ‘private property’ notice across it I settled for a view from the hedge.
Being a bit more experienced, I ignored the sign, hopped over the gate and stepped over the stone stile immediately after the gate on the left. This gives easy access to the field and a two minute walk takes you to the chamber.
The capstone is about 5ft square and 1ft thick. Several large stones are underneath and another which seems to have been built into the field wall.
It was a lovely sunny day and the first time this year I have been able to walk across a dry field!
There were primroses in abundance – very pretty.

Coity Chambered Tomb

As a small aside to the notes given by Hamish, if you don’t want to enter the field without permission, the tomb is just visible from the gate if you look to your right along the hedgerow.

Coity Chambered Tomb

You come past the castle bearing round to the right. After about 1 km there is a lane on the left. Find somewhere to park and walk up the lane to a gate. Follow the path on the left to another gate. A few mtrs past the gate is a stile on the left. Go over and turn right along the hedge tro the burial chamber.


Coity Chambered Tomb
Chambered Tomb

I visited this site and met the landownerand he told me that it was his grandfather who had collapsed it as it was “very dangerous”. He also told me that a ground radar survey had been done in the field adjacent to the tomb and a semi-circular or crescent shape had been recorded for “Future investigation”

Sites within 20km of Coity Chambered Tomb