Visited 17.7.11
Although this site is marked on the O/S map I couldn’t see a thing on the ground.
The field it is supposed to stand in is very ‘lumpy bumpy’ so it is possible I may have missed it. If it is still there it is very slight indeed.
Totally unrelated, but interesting nonetheless, was a Second World War Pill Box in the same field. This was in cracking condition and I was able to walk all around inside.
Well worth checking out although I don’t know why it was built here in the first place? In the middle of a field far from anything important?
COFLEIN describes the site thus:
‘A ploughed down and centrally depressed barrow, c.23m in diameter and 0.4m high.
A second barrow, 100m to the SSW, was levelled in the construction of Cae’r-mead Roman villa (Nprn301356). An in-urned cremation was encountered when that site was excavated’.