
Image of Beacons Down (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

So this is why the location’s called ‘Beacons Down’, then?

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Beacons Down (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

To my mind the Coflein record overstates the upstanding nature of the barrows here... I was only able to positively identifty this – presumably the larger – amongst the lead workings

Image credit: Robert Gladstone



Beacons Down
Round Barrow(s)

According to Coflein these barrows were only (finally) discovered – from the air – in 2013:

“Pair of well-preserved round barrows, discovered during Royal Commission aerial reconnaissance under snow on 24th January 2013. The barrows sit 60m apart on the northern edge of common land, which also preserves wider-spreading remains of ancient field systems. The smaller western barrow.. (SS88847580)... measures approx. 14m diameter and stands 0.6-0.7m high preserving its smooth, conical shape. The larger, flatter, eastern barrow (SS88927583).. measures approx. 21m diameter and stands 0.6m high....” Toby Driver, RCAHMW, Feb 2013

Sites within 20km of Beacons Down