
Image of Heol-y-Mynydd (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

Well, at least there’s something left.....

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Heol-y-Mynydd (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

Sadly Coflein – as you would expect – is correct; there’s not an awful lot remaining of this round barrow.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone



Visited 25.4.11
On my way home after spending an enjoyable couple of hours at Ogmore Castle (CADW) I thought I would take the opportunity to check out this Barrow.
When I arrived in the correct area there were two possible ‘lumps’ which could have been the remains of the Barrow.
The mangled ‘lumps and bumps’ immediately behind a ‘no unauthorised vehicles allowed on common’ sign or (more likely?) the small low mound a little further along the road (between the road and the metal field gate). If this is the Barrow, it is about 0.5 metres high and spread over an area about 10 metres across. Easy to spot amid the flat grass covered common land.


Rounding off the day following a long overdue visit to Dunraven, I’m sad to report that this poor round barrow has been mutilated almost to the point of destruction. Hey, ho. Bearing in mind the complete lack of protection afforded the monument from the users of the nearby minor road – not to mention reports of the apparent aggressive/ignorant ‘attitude’ of some local landowners (one of whom, a sour-faced old bint, tried unsuccessfully to force me off the road as we passed) – I guess this is no great surprise.

Nevertheless worth a quick look if/by taking the ‘short-cut’ across the coastal hills from St Brides Major to Ogmore, via Norton (the site of crop-marks indicating an apparent causewayed enclosure, no less)


Round Barrow(s)

I’ve driven past this many a time... yet never stopped to have a look to date. A sorry state of affairs which I’ll need to rectify at some point.

According to our friends at Coflein this is:

“A ploughed down round barrow 9.0m in diameter and 0.3m high. It lies on a narrow strip of common land between cultivated fields. Its neighbour, less fortunate 21m NNE in an arable field, has been obliterated......RCAHMW AP955059/42”

Sites within 20km of Heol-y-Mynydd