Marlborough Grange Barrow

Visited 17.7.11

One for the dedicated this!
I parked by the electricity sub power station in the pretty village of Llanblethian and took the sign posted footpath south west. (You know you are on the right footpath as the house on the right at the start of the path has a swimming pool in the back garden!) This is a lovely walk up through trees which form a sort of tunnel. Once you are clear of the trees and on the brow of the hill the remains of the Barrow can be seen in a field on your right – the walk takes about 20 minutes each way. It is hard to be more descriptive with directions as you have to cross a couple of fields and a few stiles.
The Barrow itself is barely 0.3 metres high and about 10metres across.

COFLEIN describes site:
‘A ploughed-down round barrow, 36m in diameter and 0.9m high’.

Only the pleasant walk made the effort worthwhile.