
Image of Mynydd Llangeinwyr (Round Cairn) by thesweetcheat

Looking east across the northern cairn. The steeply scarped hillside opposite is Mynydd William Meyrick, which has two trashed cairns (Garn Fawr and Garn Fach) that would probably be intervisible with this monument. Garn Fach is amongst the windfarm now.

Image credit: A. Brookes (5.3.2022)
Image of Mynydd Llangeinwyr (Round Cairn) by thesweetcheat

The northern cairn, looking west. The edge of the cairn has been cut by the track. The Hafren with Exmoor beyond over on the left.

Image credit: A. Brookes (5.3.2022)
Image of Mynydd Llangeinwyr (Round Cairn) by thesweetcheat

Looking WNW across the southern cairn towards Garw Forest. Exposed stonework can be seen around the rim.

Image credit: A. Brookes (5.3.2022)
Image of Mynydd Llangeinwyr (Round Cairn) by thesweetcheat

Looking southeast across the southern cairn towards Ogmore Forest.

Image credit: A. Brookes (5.3.2022)



Mynydd Llangeinwyr
Round Cairn

Two cairns on Mynydd Llangeinwyr, Coflein/GGAT descriptions:

Southern cairn (SS9197090610)

An oval stony mound, 7.6m E-W by 6.1m and 0.3m high.

Entirely grass-covered and roughly flat-topped mound, slightly dished in from the edges; stone can be detected in the interior so it is unlikely to be a ring cairn, unless the centre was later filled. Sheep track runs across monument N-S, and appears to have dug into it slightly.

Northern cairn (SS9198291967)

This low circular cairn measures 6 metres in diameter, and is up to 0.5 metres high. It is covered with bilberry and grass.

The northern cairn is not marked on the OS map.

Sites within 20km of Mynydd Llangeinwyr