‘Visited’ 25.9.11
Where do I start? This is a nightmare of a site to visit despite being fairly close to the B4281.
Firstly, the two public footpaths shown on the O/S map don’t exist on the ground – despite a sign telling you they do.
Secondly, the ground varies from being boggy to almost swamp like – I kid you not!
Thirdly, the whole area is overgrown with large areas of head height bushes, brambles and nettles – very difficult to see get about or to see anything.
Ok, they are the negatives, so what about the positives?
Well to be honest I can’t think of any. Luckily I had my wellies on and despite this I still got soaked in the long wet grass. On several occasions I got stuck in the mud and nearly fell over. I was also being constantly stung by the unforgiving nettles. There were also various lengths of barbed wire hiding amidst the bushes ready to trip the unwary visitor. To add to my woes is had started to rain!
I traipsed up and down, from field to field but could see no sign of the stone. I did come across several ‘outcrops’ of large stones (one of which looked the right shape for a standing stone) but I don’t know if these were leftovers from some earlier field clearance or were naturally lying there?
Is the stone still here? I can’t say. Although I could see no sign of it, it is entirely possible that it was been completely covered over by one of the many large bramble bushes. I hope it is hiding somewhere waiting to be ‘rediscovered’ in the future.
If you are planning a visit to find the stone one word of advice – bring your wellies!