
Image of Mynydd Herbert (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

There’s a large round barrow in there... somewhere.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Mynydd Herbert (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

If you build it, they will come. Whether the spirit of whatever dude occupied the barrow would’ve rather had Kevin Costner emerge from the crops... is probably a moot point.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Mynydd Herbert (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

A very substantial barrow concealing stonework hidden beneath its organic mantle.....

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Mynydd Herbert (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

This orthostat – with at least two fallen companions submerged in the dense vegetation – stands upon the barrow’s summit. The remnants of a cist / chamber?

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Mynydd Herbert (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

Elements of the possible kerb mentioned in the misc post...

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Mynydd Herbert (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

Nature has well and truly reclaimed Mynydd Herbert’s great round barrow. But I’m not complaining.....

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Mynydd Herbert (Round Barrow(s)) by GLADMAN

The later round barrow from the capstone of the Tythegston Neolithic long cairn.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone



Mynydd Herbert
Round Barrow(s)

Set upon Mynydd Herbert to the approx north-west of the Tythegston long cairn, this Bronze Age round barrow is well seen from the earlier monument. In fact it crowns the horizon so perfectly when viewed from the Neolithic capstone – unlike from many other directions (although I haven’t tried them all, I must admit) – that one is encouraged to believe the later barrow was specifically sited with this primary attribute in mind? If so, what continuity this represents!

According to our friends at Coflein this site, unfortunately located a little to the south of the busy A48, is:

“A round barrow, 20m in diameter [RCAHMW J.Wiles 03.12.02]”

Sites within 20km of Mynydd Herbert