
Image of Bridgend Stone (Standing Stone / Menhir) by Pixxx

Showing stones close proximity to road..

Image credit: Jasamine Jackdaw
Image of Bridgend Stone (Standing Stone / Menhir) by Pixxx

Taken whilst standing in the road..

Image credit: Jasamine Jackdaw


Bridgend Stone

Easy to find – just head for the sports centre! In front of the centre, right next to the road, is this rather ‘unloved’ standing stone. A small information board is next to the stone (equally unloved). I am sure that most people who pass this stone have no idea what it is. If in the area stop and give it a pat. Let it know there are some people out there who do care!

Bridgend Stone

Yup, stone still here alright, although apparently I have read it has been moved a few yards due to building development, it is literally plonked on the side of the road (Angel Street) at the front of the Bridgend Recreation Centre (which also houses a modern druid stone circle within its grounds) just outside the town centre.

According to the information from what I can gather (this itself is quite worn) some information is held at the local library which I shall research at a later date.


Bridgend Stone
Standing Stone / Menhir

I hope this stone is still here – it is certainly mentioned as an ancient monument on Coflein – and must be a natural entrant for the ‘Don’t mind me..’ category.

One and a half metres high (with a bit of a lean) the stone is apparently cup-marked. Not far from the Avon Ogwr, it sneaks down to the water on Christmas morning at cockcrow for a drink.

Sites within 20km of Bridgend Stone