Monkton East (South)

Visited 14.1.12

There are 3 Barrows here and I am pleased to say that they are (just about) still visible.

I parked at the entrance to Channel View Farm and walked down the lane to try and find the Barrow closest to the road. I eventually was just about able to make out a very minor ‘mound’ in a grass field the over side of the hedgerow. Had my visit been in the summer I would never have been able to see through the hedge – it was hard enough with no leaves!

I then went in search of the other two Barrows.

I walked back up the lane and looked for a way through the impenetrable hedgerow. I was just about to give up when I saw a small gap where I could push myself past a thorn bush. (The public footpath showing on the O/S map simply doesn’t exist on the ground). This point of access will not be here for long as it was clear a barbed wire fence was in the process of being erected all around the field.

The first Barrow you come to is in the field to your left. This had been ploughed and it was just about possible to make out the tell tale sign of a low mound. This Barrow will not be with us much longer.

The second Barrow is faring much better. It is easy to spot and is directly in front of you. It is about 30 metres across and 1 metre high – grass covered. It is fairly close to farm buildings and as there doesn’t appear to be any public right of way I didn’t hang around too long.