
Image of Glassamucky Mountain (Bullaun Stone) by ryaner

With the Sugar Loaf peeping over the horizon line on the right.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Glassamucky Mountain (Bullaun Stone) by ryaner

The stone seems to have escaped relatively unscathed from the recent fires.

Image credit: ryaner


Glassamucky Mountain

Access to this is simple, 250 metres or so up a hillwalkers track at O125205 on the left-hand side of as you travel south on Military Road in the Featherbeds. For this reason I’ve been here many times, but never wrote about it until now.

Off the track about 5 metres into the peat is this wonderful stone, the connective evidence between bullauns and prehistory. There’s nowt else close by, the nearest early christian site about a mile below at St. Anne’s in the Glenasmole valley. Others have noticed an alignment here.

The stone is a big lump of granite, like a beached walrus, with 3 bullauns, 2 of which breach the south-east end. One of these two could scarcely be called a bullaun as it’s just a carved curve into the stone, but the density of the stone is very porous and all three basins seem to have eroded, and enlarged, over time.

Strangely enough, this stone is not marked on OS sheet 50, but is on I was first brought here by Fourwinds about 8 years ago.

Sites within 20km of Glassamucky Mountain