Ye olde water on the stone trick lifts the cupmarks a bit. There are 8 along the ridge.
Ye olde water on the stone trick lifts the cupmarks a bit. There are 8 along the ridge.
Looking north over the stone, the peak of the Great Sugar Loaf peeps over the horizon.
One of two known stones that have cupmarks in Downshill townland. This is the easier to find, over the hedge from the road. However, if approaching from the north, enter the next field to its north and walk to the the gate about 100 metres down.
There are 8 worn cupmarks along the highest ridge of this metre long stone. The Sugar Loaf just peeps over the horizon line to the north. There are said to be more cups down the south-east side of the stone but I didn’t make them out.
The other stone lies almost due east of here, but as the farmer was working with heavy machinery nearby I didn’t try to find it.