
Image of The Druids’ Judgement Seat (Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech) by ryaner

The weird arrangement at the Druid’s Judgement Seat.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of The Druids’ Judgement Seat (Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech) by ryaner

?What remains are two large slabs and the assemblage that gives the site its name.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of The Druids’ Judgement Seat (Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech) by ryaner

Very strange, shaped stone at this site, part of a passage maybe.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of The Druids’ Judgement Seat (Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech) by ryaner

Ha ha. Couldn’t resist getting me beak in here. The camera never lies, your honour.

Image credit: Maurice

Sites within 20km of The Druids’ Judgement Seat