This is all very strange and interesting but the handwriting is so hard to read! Perhaps you can decipher it better.
Between this cromlech and the top of Knockree there is a ‘Giant’s Stone’ which has not a flaw in it.
It is said that the druids used worship here and here two kings held council when forming up and making a [drove?] to the top of the hill and down the far side and then up the valley to a fort.
Those taking part went on foot and horseback and it is said they went that route up to 30 years ago. Old people said they heard them regularly. Two men told J- S- that they used see bright lights under this cromlech.
The horses made a great noise galloping over the rocky hill and down by Lacken.
The wood of Lacken situated on the hill was replanted with young trees 80 years ago but after two years the ghostly route was mysteriously burned from the top to the bottom of the hill. Not a tree grew till it was replanted again 5 years ago.
[?] (says Mr J- S-) that half of the trees on the old route are now dwarfed and the other half are dead.
From the 1930s Schools Collection of folklore, now being digitised at Perhaps the Giant’s Rock is the impressive quartz outcrop depicted on Megalithomania. It’s rather interesting that Fourwinds mentions possible alignments at the site when there’s folklore about fairy/druids lines / ghosts heading across the landscape.