
Image of Kilbeg (Bullaun Stone) by ryaner

Nearly 10 years later, much more attitoodinal.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Kilbeg (Bullaun Stone) by ryaner

The second bullaun, with its very shallow basin, 19 metres north-east of the main one. – Black Hill is the backdrop.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Kilbeg (Bullaun Stone) by ryaner

Her majesty gives a sense of scale, sitting in one of the basins.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Kilbeg (Bullaun Stone) by ryaner

The always awesome Kilbeg bullaun with its 6 basins.

Image credit: ryaner



I’m in love with this stone. It’s hard to be near it and not drop by to see how it’s doing. Its beauty never ceases to amaze me. I like it when the basins have water in them, and I like it when they’re empty. It is a piece of sculpted perfection. The meadow that it lies in is gorgeous too, sumptuous and pleasing with its wild grassiness in summer. The last few times I’ve been here I’ve been accompanied by LM, and once by Paulie G. Both are only half interested.

The flat-topped stone seems to have grown out of the ground to the east, and then drops off by about a foot on the western side. It’s oriented on its longer axis roughly north-south. The four largest basins are concentrated in the southern end – the other two are towards the north-western end, one of which breaks the side of the stone, the other being the smallest and almost like an afterthought.

I get the sense that I’m possibly the only person in the country that comes here, dragging my half interested companions along to satisfy my selfish needs. I’d unearth this stone and bring it home if I could. Almost.


Bullaun Stone

From the SMR at

Description: Situated on a gentle NNW-facing slope above a steeper valley slope to the NW. Two bullaun stones- (1) Large flat-topped earthfast boulder (dims. 2.55m x 1.30m; T 0.47m) with six basins in the upper surface [WI010-012----]. (2) The other stone (dims 0.8m x 0.75m), situated 19m to the NE, has a single basin [WI010-012001-].

The above description is derived from the published ‘Archaeological Inventory of County Wicklow’ (Dublin: Stationery Office, 1997). In certain instances the entries have been revised and updated in the light of recent research.

Sites within 20km of Kilbeg