Frosty January in Brennanstown.
Frosty January in Brennanstown.
From on top of one of the timber sentinels.
Brenanstown standing stone.
Over a metre tall and set in concrete.
The standing stone in Brenanstown has its own timber circle.
In the Holmswood housing estate in Cabinteely, the standing stone was moved to its present location during building works in 1993. There had been doubts as to whether it was of prehistoric provenance, but upon excavation “... directly in front of the standing stone, on the hillslope side, two small fragments of cremated human bone [were found]. There were no other finds or features but the stone is certainly prehistoric.”
Now about 150 metres away from its original location, the stone has been set in concrete and surrounded by inward-facing, wooden pallisades, in a cobbled ‘courtyard’. Quite considerable thought and expense were put into this by the developer and I have to say that it’s really rather nice.
I had seen this on archaeology.ie and it was on my list. I had a fare to here the other night and spied it as I was dropping her. I asked her whether she knew if it was ancient or not and she shrugged no, but said that she and her friends had played on the pallisades when they were kids. Worth a look if you are visiting Glendruid nearby.