
Image of Stillorgan Park (Cist) by ryaner

This is the side of the (hideous) obelisk where the cist was found.

Image credit: ryaner


Stillorgan Park

I don’t know what I expected to find here today, but you always live in hope at this game. Well, there ain’t no cist here no more, and even though it may seem like a wasted journey, it wasn’t entirely: I got to see (or rather stop and see as I’ve ‘seen’ it many times) Edward Lovett Pearce’s monstrous 1727 obelisk. I wondered if the stones of the cist ended up in the structure of a renovated base, but no, the crude base is part of the original (see for a contemporary painting).

There is an excavation report that I’d like to get my hands on, when I can stump up the 50 blips (see miscellaneous below).


Stillorgan Park

From the National Monuments Database:

Description: In 1954 during the clearing of stones from a rockery beside the obelisk on the grounds of St Augustine’s in Stillorgan a short cist was discovered. this contained an inhumation burial of a young adult female accompanied by a flint flake. The cist was rectangular in plan (L 0.92m, Wth 0.46m, H 0.47m) with its long axis aligned N-S (Cahill & Sikora 2011, 180-184).

Compiled by: Geraldine Stout

Date of upload: 12 February 2013

Cahill, M. and Sikora, M. (eds), 2011 Breaking ground, finding graves – reports on the excavations of burials by the National Museum of Ireland, 1927-2006. 2 vols. Wordwell Ltd. in association with the National Museum of Ireland, Dublin.

Sites within 20km of Stillorgan Park