This face of the stone is encrusted in quartz – Sorrel Hill is covered in cloud in the distance.
This face of the stone is encrusted in quartz – Sorrel Hill is covered in cloud in the distance.
Poulaphuca reservoir and Kilbeg standing stone – the field over the point of the stone contains the wonderful Kilbeg bullaun stone.
Along the long axis NNW-SSE, Lugnagun passage grave is in the trees at the tip of the stone.
4 or 500 metres beyond the entrance to the field with the 6 basin Kilbeg bullaun stone is a small hill-walking track, Pound Lane. It has its own signpost and is an Agreed Access hillwalkers pathway. It leads up Black Hill and in a broad loop back over to the parking place directly south of Sorrel Hill.
Not long after moving above the last enclosed field, it passes through an area called Whelp Rock – this is where the standing stone is. Were it not precisely marked on the archaeology.ie map browser I would never have found it.
From the west the stone has a triangular aspect – this face is also quartz encrusted. The long axis is NNW-SSE and points directly at the passage grave on Lugnagun.
There are many, many stones scattered about the hillside here, with some old booleying sites, and there is that ancient feeling about the place that makes one feel that it could bear more serious investigation.
From aracheology.ie:
Description: On a N-Facing slope of Black Hill. A granite standing stone (max dims. Wth 1.45m; H 1.6m; T 0.7m), with a long axis of NNW-SSE, tapers to form a point at the top (T 0.28m).
Compiled by: Matt Kelleher
Date of upload: 17 December 2012