
Image of The Witch’s Stone (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by CianMcLiam

This nice design on one end of the stone has curious little ‘tails’ spiralling out from the outer ring.

Image credit: Ken Williams/ 2007
Image of The Witch’s Stone (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by ryaner

Very difficult to photograph in the dappled sunshine.

Image credit: ryaner


The Witch’s Stone

According to the Arch. Inventory of Co. Wicklow, a perviously earthfast boulder. Dug up by the landowner and left in the corner of the field, the carvings are now erroding (a lot less prominent now than when he first dug it up, according to the landowner) and were quite difficult to see in the dappled sunlight caused by the beech tree that stands nearby. The stream below the stone provided water for some viewing relief.
The couple that own the land were very helpful, the man showing me where to go on a large map of his property. There are many other interesting stones on the land on the way to the stone, with at least 3 possible burial mounds/cairns/chambered tombs and a large cup-marked but very erroded eartfast boulder.

Sites within 20km of The Witch’s Stone