
Image of Glassamucky (Artificial Mound) by ryaner

The mound is behind the flowering gorse. Piperstown Hill is in the distance.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Glassamucky (Artificial Mound) by ryaner

Looking west, with Ballinascorney Gap just to the left of the trees.

Image credit: ryaner



I wasn’t expecting much from this ruined mound and I wasn’t disappointed, at least not by the mound itself. What is it, what was its purpose, is it even prehistoric? I don’t know the answer to any of these, but it is in a prime location, high above what would have been the River Dodder and is now one of the Glenasmole reservoirs. Ballinascorney Gap directly west has a barrow and a cairn, Piperstown Hill to the south-east is a habitation site and has a cairn cemetery, and there are many other prehistoric places that would be visible from here had the views not been blocked by modern hedgerows. An intriguing spot, but what a slog to get to!

Sites within 20km of Glassamucky