Does this cast doubt on Fitzcoraldo’s sceptical source? Assuming I have the right spot. “On the top of Tibradden Mountain, which rises to the west of the Two Rock, and is near Glencullen, there is a curious cairn, in which was found a small sepulchral vessel, now to be seen in the Irish antiquities section of the Kildare street Museum. This cairn is still in fair preservation and offers a good example of what may be called a “small giant’s grave.” The climb up Tibradden (properly – Ti-braddan, Braddan’s House) is rather trying, owing to the soft ground and thick gorse, but it is well worth while making the ascent, not only in order to inspect the cairn, but also for the sake of the view, which is one of the finest near Dublin. The cairn, of which a drawing is given, consists of a shallow passage lined with stones leading to a vaulted chamber in a mound, in which is a circle of stone.” In the Weekly Irish Times, 23rd January 1904.