
Image of Crookan Cairn (Cairn) by ryaner

South-east arc of three stones, looking south towards Seahan, Seefingan and Seefin.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Crookan Cairn (Cairn) by ryaner

The large, spit boulder with the north-east pointing quartz face.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Crookan Cairn (Cairn) by ryaner

North-east over the split granite/quartz boulder.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Crookan Cairn (Cairn) by ryaner

Impossible to get a shot of all the stones, left is north, right is south.

Image credit: rayner
Image of Crookan Cairn (Cairn) by ryaner

Large lumps of kerbstones – or, according to some, the stones of a stone circle.

Image credit: rayner
Image of Crookan Cairn (Cairn) by ryaner

Gorse-covered Crookan Cairn from the top of Knockanavinidee artificial mound

Image credit: ryaner


Crookan Cairn

On a misty day, myself and LM ventured up Tallaght Hill to Ballymana and this anomalous site. Said by some to be a stone circle, there is indeed a circle of stones, but they surround a messy oval mound that’s covered in gorse and hard to make out. A fine misty rain was falling and visibility was poor and we were unable to stick around.

The stones that surround the ‘cairn’ are varied in size, shape and type. I tried in vain to take a shot that shows them all. The ‘cairn’ itself is all rubble and vegetation and could be modern field clearance, though why so as this is sheep-farming land and not quality pasture, with many boggy, turlough-type ponds. I reckon that this site bears further exploration, maybe soon and quite likely as it’s only up the road.

Sites within 20km of Crookan Cairn