Details of site on Pastscape
(SY 65709940) British Settlement [NR] [Site of] (1) Field system plotted from air photographs Jan-Mar 1949. (2)
“This settlement has a four-sided enclosure (about 50 yds x 40 yds) on the E.side, with a hut circle of about 34ft. in diameter in the middle. It is surrounded by a celtic field system. The next bank to the W. of the enclosure is of heavier construction than the others and it about 5ft. high above the ditch which runs along its W. side... “The Celtic field-system extends both to the E, S and W. of the settlement, and there are further traces some 600 yds. to the N and NW. (3) Situated on the grass covered, southern slopes of the ridge and just below the crest.
There is no trace of any extensive settlement. The earthworks comprise the following:-
‘A’ Probable Hut Circle in the form of a bank, average 4.5m. wide with an inner height of 0.5m. and an outer height of 0.3m., enclosing a circular area 7.0m. diameter and with an entrance on the south side.
Enclosure. The hut circle is situated in the centre of a rectilinear enclosure formed by a bank with an outer ditch. Average dimensions of the N & W sides, bank 6.0m. wide 0.5m. high, ditch 3.0m. wide, 0.5m. deep. The south and east sides
are less pronounced. There is no trace of an entrance to the enclosure.
Possible cross ridge dyke. Extending from ‘B’ SY 65699932, to ‘C’, SY 65729950. A bank with a ditch to the west at its strongest point which is on the ridge top, and topographically and characteristically resembling a cross ridge dyke.
Maximum dimensions. Bank 7.5m. wide and 1.1m. high. Ditch 2.0m. wide and 0.8m. deep. The feature, as it extends towards its extremities down the hillside, becomes weaker.
Field system.’D’. In the area centred at SY 655993, strong lynchets and field banks form IA/RB type rectilinear enclosure.
At ‘E’ centred at SY 661993, low lynchets follow the contours. (4) 25” Survey revised. (5)
The field system on Smacam Down is now in a much reduced condition with the field banks to the south and west very poorly defined. The remainder on top of the spur is generally as described by Authys 3 & 4 though “the bank of heavier construction” is unlikely to be “a cross-ridge dyke” as it is of a sinous nature and does not transverse the spur.