There appear to be about seven barrows in this group according to O.S. / Dorset Barrows / MAGIC. The largest and most prominent is just south of the old roman road to Exeter. It is on a ridge to the north west of Clandon barrow which is fully visible from it. The Dorset ridgeway is to the south of this group and a lot of the barrows on the ridge are visible.
There are four other similar sized barrows in this group, most are covered with trees. One of them is all but obscured. The cleanest one has recently been cleared of trees and has a large excavation cleft in its summit.
One of the group is all but ploughed out and another, to the south of the road is marked as destroyed on all the maps I’ve seen.
I also found two pieces of worked flint on the field margin of this site, one of which was a late neolithic / early bronze age end scraper.