The northern ditch and bank, at this point there is an inner and outer bank.
The northern ditch and bank, at this point there is an inner and outer bank.
The southern end of the west bank and outer ditch.
The interior of the enclosure, the western bank is on the right in the photo.
The eastern bank and ditch, looking north.
This is a late prehistoric small enclosure. It is about 100 metres south of Sheep Down long barrow. On the western and eastern sides it consists of a single bank and outer ditch. The northern and southern ends are double banks with a ditch between them.
The site measures 45 metres along the east/west sides and 25 mtres along the north/south ends. The banks are 3.5 metres across 0.5 metres high. The surrounding ditch is ditch is 4 metres wide and 0.5 metres deep.
This was once thought to be roman, but as it does not conform in shape and size to known roman fortlets or signal stations, finds have now been found which show it’s earliest origins to be late bronze age.
The site was in use for many hundreds of years, if the pottery evidence from the enclosure are taken as evidence. These sites are usually associated with field systems and several exist within a short distance.