Third Milestone Group (SY 69 SW). Five barrows in an irregular W.-E. line on the crest of a ridge immediately S. of the Roman road three miles W. of Dorchester. (114) and (115) have probably been excavated twice, by Warne and Sydenham in 1839–40 and Cunnington in 1885, though it is impossible to correlate the accounts. One contained a primary extended inhumation with a chalk-filled urn and an antler in a grave 7 ft. by 4 ft. by 7 ins. deep beneath a flint cairn, above which was a child inhumation with a food-vessel (in D.C.M.) and a cremation beneath an inverted biconical urn. In the top of the mound was an extended inhumation. The other contained three primary inhumations, and two further inhumations only 1 ft. above them, all in a grave 5 ft. in diam. and nearly 5 ft. deep beneath a flint cairn, above which were two inhumations. (Archaeologia xxx, 331, nos. 2 & 3; C.T.D., mopr, nos. 26 & 30.) Of Cunnington’s two barrows, both previously disturbed, one contained remains of a large cairn, two inhumations and fragments of three urns, and the other parts of an inhumation in a cairn (MS., nos. 24 & 25).
‘Earthworks: Round Barrows’, in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, Volume 2, South east (London, 1970), pp. 434-480. British History Online