
Smacam Down Long Barrow
Long Barrow

Details of long barrow on Pastscape

SY 65729939. A long barrow, orientated north to south on Smacam Down, measured 98ft long by 40ft wide and 4.5ft high at the south end. A horseshoe-shaped ditch was said to have inturned at the south end although RCHM suggested that it had been filled-in by a field boundary at this point. There was an excavation hollow in the centre of the mound with the spoil dumped in the eastern-side ditch. (2) A grass-covered long barrow, 30.0m long north to south and 16.0m wide with the higher north end being 1.7m high, although in view of mutilation it has no significant higher end. There is a surrounding ditch averaging 4.0m wide and 0.5m deep except at the south end where it has been obliterated by a lynchet. The excavation hollow mentioned in Authy 1 is as described. (3) SY 657993. Cerne Abbas long barrow listed by Ashbee who adds that this type could be termed the U-ditch class, which are of medium size, and seem to be restricted to Dorset. (4)