
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

The Bank Barrow (or at least the eastern section, such is its length) viewed from the top of one of the round examples. Note the large tree covered monument across the road.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

Another large round barrow a little way to the approx east of the Bank Barrow

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

The round barrow approx midway north of the bank barrow.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

The western northern barrow.... or something like that.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

The northern round barrow from the mother monument. The sky is doing peculiar things... not the result of smears upon the lens as I first thought.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

Three round barrows in a (somewhat wonky)line... looking approx east beside the Bank Barrow, far right. Another, tree covered round barrow can be see beyond, top right. There are many others in the vicinity.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

To my mind barrows are simply made for watching the clouds go by. Don’t worry... although the bear seemed to be gaining on the hedgehog.... it never got there. Ha!

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

And very approx westwards, the round barrows to right.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

Looking along the length of the monument, very approximately eastwards. Note the large adjacent round barrows.......

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by GLADMAN

Approaching from the field gate to the south.... a very, very long, long barrow.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

This pair of barrows have the road to Broadmayne seperating them.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 15/03/10
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

The bowl barrow with the bank barrow to the right of it.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 15/03/10
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

Gorse covered bell barrow across the road from the east end of the bank barrow.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 15/03/10
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

The bank barrow and associated round barrows from the top of a bell barrow in the east hill group. Shame about the power lines!

Image credit: Mike Rowland 15/03/10
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

A large gorse covered barrow at the eastern end across the road to Broadmayne.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 17/04/07
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

Looking east along the full length with the two adjacent barrows to the north.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 17/04/07
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

This bowl barrow is at the western end of the bank barrow, almost touching it.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 17/04/07
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

A northern outlier, in the same field as the bank barrow.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 17/04/07
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

Bell barrow across the road from the eastern end of the bank barrow.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 10/06/09
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

Two more bowl barrows in the next field, to the west of the bank barrow.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 10/06/09
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by formicaant

Three round barrows and the bank barrow from the valley below.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 10/06/09
Image of Broadmayne Bank Barrow by danielspaniel

A deer breaks cover from behind one of the north flanking barrows. Or is it a barrow wight?!

Image credit: Daniel Hyndman


Broadmayne Bank Barrow

This is a stunning place and a real rarity, most of the bank barrows in the country lay along the south Dorset ridgeway, of which this is a part. At the field margins and where a round barrow gets close to it’s northern side , signs of a ditch can be seen. From the top of the bank the Bincombe bumps set of round barrows can be seen on the southern horizon. To the east there are various round barrows and immediately south is Chalbury hilfort.The island of Portland looms large in Weymouth bay as it does from most of the ancient sites along the ridgeway of Dorset.

Broadmayne Bank Barrow

Now this is a barrow! I’ve just got to walk the length of this thing, and
I am rewarded when I reach the other end and a deer springs out from behind one the two round barrows that sit next to each other just to the North of this incredible monument.
She runs through the crops to the hedge while I stand, exalted, snapping away like a madman, trying to capture a moment I should just be in, but I suppose that is the modern condition!
These 2 north flanking barrows aren’t shown on the OS map, but the round barrows at both ends are. The road runs between the east end of the bank and the round barrow at that end. This is Chalky Road, which interestingly runs straight up to Broadmayne and the stones/ earthworks there.

Looking around:
Barrows, Barrows everywhere!
An important spot,
I think.

Broadmayne Bank Barrow

[visited 26/3/5] I started the day by scanning the dorset map for barrows and I found this, my third Bank Barrow. There are apparently only 3 left in a decent condition anyway so beyond ripples in the mud, this may well be it. Surfice to say I wasn’t disapointed, its another riproarer, a giant amongst little people. Standing proud on the dorset ridgeway, with beautiful 360degree views and so many round barrows paying tribute to it.

The really nice thing about this is it seems to be complete, I don’t think the road builders chopped a bit off the end and fortunately any ploughing hasn’t reduced it beyond amazing levels. Comparing it with the other brutes in Dorset, it didn’t seem as large as long bredy but was definately larger than Black Down.

Access is good as a road goes straight past the field this is in and tbh you get a great view of its hugeness from the road.

Sites within 20km of Broadmayne Bank Barrow