
Image of Whitfield Farm (Long Barrow) by formicaant

The long barrow is in the centre of the photo, on the top of the ridge, now appearing much reduced by the plough.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 21/02/10
Image of Whitfield Farm (Long Barrow) by formicaant

A much ploughed round barrow to the north of the long barrow, in the same field.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 21/02/10



Whitfield Farm
Long Barrow

This barrow could possibly be the shortest known bank barrow. In David Field’s excellent book Earthen Long Barrows he refers to a Bradford Peverell bank barrow of 64 metres in length. Another candidate could possibly be the long barrow called Red Barn, which is equally close to Bradford Peverell. However he provides no grid reference for it, I will probably have to write him a letter to find out.
Grinsell says this is 150 feet long, 60 – 90 feet wide and 4 feet in height.


Whitfield Farm
Long Barrow

Things were different in prehistory. Contrary to rdavymed’s modern assessment, this long barrow has been inspiring at times. It seems to have been the focus for a later cemetery of Bronze Age round barrows – there are four close by and a number of others in the vicinity. It didn’t escape Roman attention either, as a burial with Samian pottery was found in the mound: it is after all but a step away from the Roman road and remains of the aqueduct that took water to Roman Dorchester. The barrow may also have a view over the confluence of the Cerne and the Frome below?

(info from the s.m. record on Magic).

Sites within 20km of Whitfield Farm