

Barrow East of Two Gates
Round Barrow(s)

Details of barrow on Pastscape

(SY 56619347) TUMULUS (OE) (1) A bowl barrow; diameter 20 paces, height 3ft. (2). Similar information; it has been disturbed in the middle (3). (2-3) A very flinty grass covered and ditchless bowl barrow; diameter 18.0m., height 0.6m. with a small central depression. (4)


Barrow East of Two Gates
Round Barrow(s)

‘Drive by’ 13.10.12

Spotted this Barrow on the map and as I was driving along the minor road just to the north of it thought I would keep an eye out.

The hedgerows don’t help but I think I spotted the Barrow as no more than a very low grass mound?

E.H. has nothing to say on the matter.

Sites within 20km of Barrow East of Two Gates