
Image of Came Wood Long Barrow by formicaant

The adjacent round barrow, mostly cleared of foliage.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 28/04/2024
Image of Came Wood Long Barrow by formicaant

The long barrow, recently cleared due to ash dieback, plainly in view for the first time in many years.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 28/04/2024
Image of Came Wood Long Barrow by formicaant

Looking north along the top of the long barrow, note the heavy undergrowth.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 29/11/2007.
Image of Came Wood Long Barrow by formicaant

This large round barrow sits at the northern end of the long barrow.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 11/10/2007.


Came Wood Long Barrow

Another visit to this substantial long barrow, I had hoped autumn would make it easier to see. The under growth is less now but a fallen tree still obscures much of it. Its a real fight through thick hawthorn and brambles to take some not very clear photos, however the barrow itself is worth a look as it is very big. Shorn of the brush and trees this would be an impressive monument in an area thick with barrows of all kinds and conditions.

Came Wood Long Barrow

This long barrow is all but invisible at the moment, being as it is in woodland, and heavily covered in undergrowth. I could make it out with some difficulty, and it is surprisingly substsantial. It is about 150 feet long and 40 feet wide, at the moment the ditches are too full of nettles and brambles to see well, but they are still in existance.
I will definitely re-visit this site in the winter when it will be much easier to see and photograph.

Sites within 20km of Came Wood Long Barrow