
Image of Conquer Barrow (Round Barrow) by formicaant

A small bowl barrow on a hill to the east, between is what remains of Mount Pleasant henge.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 15/03/10
Image of Conquer Barrow (Round Barrow) by formicaant

Conquer barrow is in the clump of trees, the crop mark about a third of the way down the photo is what remains of the bank of Mount Pleasant henge.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 22/03/07
Image of Conquer Barrow (Round Barrow) by formicaant

The very large, tree covered Conquer barrow from the south.

Image credit: Mike Rowland 15/03/10



Conquer Barrow
Round Barrow(s)

Details of barrow on Pastscape

A large round barrow abutting the enclosure bank of the Mount Pleasant henge (SY 78 NW 3) on its western side. The barrow has been damaged to a certain extent by the encroachment of gardens, and it is covered by a coppice of trees. The only known excavation occurred in 1970-71, when parts of the ditch and mound were examined in the course of work focused primarily on the henge. This suggested that the barrow mound had been 30 metres in diameter and 4 metres high, on top of a henge enclosure bank itself circa 4 metres high. On the north and east sides at least the barrow was surrounded by a penannular ditch which featured at least one causeway and stopped short of the main henge enclosure ditch. An antler pick from the primary fill of the ditch produced a radiocarbon date in the early 3rd millennium BC (calibrated), and was presumed by the excavator to represent a residual item associated with the henge rather than the barrow’s construction. However, Sparey-Green (1994) has argued that on the basis of the stratigraphical evidence presented in Wainwright’s (1979) excavation report, the barrow’s ditch may well pre-date the henge ditch, and thus be of later Neolithic origin. Flints plus a Beaker sherd and a Bronze Age sherd were also found. Re-evaluation of the Conquer Barrow’s relationship with Mount Pleasant, following detailed study of aerial photographs of the latter, supports the idea that the ditch at least may have pre-dated the henge enclosure.


Conquer Barrow
Round Barrow(s)

This is a large round barrow on the north west edge of Mount Pleasant henge, said to have been added to the henge complex around 1800 bce. It is an impressive size, being not much smaller than the nearby Lanceborough barrow at Maiden castle. Like many local barrows it is now covered in trees , at least this protects it from the plough , sadly Mount Pleasant itself was not spared this fate.
I have included a nearby bowl barrow east of Conquer barrow and Mount Pleasant. This is on a hill overlooking both sites.

Sites within 20km of Conquer Barrow