Towards Y Rhinogydd.
Towards Y Rhinogydd.
Say miss, want to be famous?
The shapeliest of the stones in this area.
September 2014
September 2014
September 2014
September evening
Carreg from SW
Carreg from SE
After following the steep windy road that leads up from Harlech castle you will come to a cross roads with a phone box and post box.
Turn left here. The standing Stone is on the right hand side not far along the road. It is in the field next to the road and can be clearly seen.
It lies to the SE of the road 100m S of the road junction.
Coflein description: “Standing stone 1.8m high by 0.6m by 0.3m at the base.Erosion round the base has exposed a number of stones, although none of them obviously used as packing stones.”