Lots of things had to come together for me to be here, money, time and weather foremost among them, but the unsung hero of the day was research. without it I wouldn’t have known there was anything down here at all. I left the car in the car park by the Llyn next to the dam, walked back up the road to the house Tyddyn-Mawr, then, left at the house, and then tried to find a footpath that goes north from the road, I couldn’t find it, it has gone. So I made one up, and entered the hill side.
My immediate destination is a found on Coflein ring cairn.....A possible disturbed ring cairn with a central cist. The overall form is uncertain but about 2.5m to 3m in diameter.....was all the information they had, besides being in an old settlement, which has prehistoric hut circles, quite an enticement., to me anyway. En route to the settlement site I came upon a lone hut circle, took a picture, got home and Coflein says nothing about it at all. There is a vast amount of activity up on this hill side, not all of it recorded by officialdom. From the bronze age through the Iron age through the Roman era, through the medieval to just last century. Almost every age is represented up here.
Wales in a nutshell this place.
So there I am standing on the edge of a settlement site, I can see the walls, and the view is tremendous, but as yet no hut circle and certainly no ring cairn. There are various stones lying about the whole area but I pass them by until I come across the very obvious hut circle, less obvious is the two smaller huts right next to it, one of which is full, covered by long annoying grass. Also next to the huts are three or four neat piles of stones, I couldn’t work them out at all. It took me some time to find the ring cairn, it doesn’t look like your average ring cairn, I looked at it once, pointed it out to myself and said, that’s something, then walked away.
I sat in the hut circle and thought for a while, I pondered and then I ruminated, and then I finished off with a smidgen of contemplation. There was no ring cairn, at least not like the vast majority of ring cairns. I decided that the “something” that I had seen would probably be it, there are four stones in the middle that could be a cist, and it has a handful of surrounding stones that are doing their best to be a ring, but failing, though not miserably.
This is but the first site of the day and I have a long walk ahead of me, so off we go, we’ll, I do.