
Image of Braich y Gornel (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork) by postman

Mountain view from very near to Briach y Gornel

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Braich y Gornel

Whilst en route to a possible stone row from a possible ring cairn, I came across a few more possibles. This hillside is chock full of possibilities .
These monuments are, as far as I can tell not on Coflein, unless they got a little lost themselves, which is quite possible if the weather was average.
Possible 1. A large circular spread of stones seemingly in concentric rings of three, the inner ring looks like a hut circle.
Possible 2. A pair of circular stoney spreads. One has a clean interior like a hut circle or ring cairn, the other is stones all over like a round cairn.
They are right next to each other, on the edge of a possible settlement (there are low walls).

I cant fathom why Coflein says nothing about them, they are large and obvious.

Sites within 20km of Braich y Gornel