
Image of Ffridd Isaf (Ring Cairn) by postman

X doth marketh out thy placement of thee kerbing cairn.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Ffridd Isaf (Ring Cairn) by postman

There was hard bargaining with that sheep to get the place to myself.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Ffridd Isaf (Ring Cairn) by postman

The single side slab is all that survives of this cist in a cairn, with Moel Hebog in ‘t distance

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Ffridd Isaf

Coflein has it down as a ring cairn, but Kerb cairn would be a better lable, should one be absolutely necessary. This monument has me standing on the firmest ground all day, not the actual ground, a possible ring cairn, some possible hut circles, a possible stone row and standing stone. This is definitely a cairn, it has kerb stones on the outside, standing stones protrude through its outer mound, ok,
it could be a ring cairn, but a cairn, it very much is.

In the middle is a rectangular depression with a stone in it’s side, it is the cist. The low mound that makes the ring has at least a dozen stones sticking up out of it, two of them are set side ways suggesting an entrance, all be it eight inches or so wide.
With kerb stones set into it’s circumference, a kerbed ring cairn. It could be a small embanked stone circle, with a later cist inserted. It’s better than I’m making out.

There is a lot of rocky clutter all around though making it a hard place to define, but I think I have it defined now.
The surroundings are pretty damn good. The lake sparkles in the late afternoon sun, and the mountains change colour with the passing of every cloud. Only the quarrying shenanigans gets on my nerves

Sites within 20km of Ffridd Isaf