
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by thesweetcheat

Looking WNW, all the prominent hills on the Llyn are visible on the horizon.

Image credit: A. Brookes (3.12.2016)
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by thesweetcheat

Northeastern arc, looking north towards Tre’r Ceiri on the Llyn peninsula and the Nantlle ridge under cloud.

Image credit: A. Brookes (3.12.2016)
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by postman

The pine trees in the background are where the ruined buildings are.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by postman

Waun Hir cairn circle and cairn topped Moelfre.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by postman

The large stone on the far right is of the circumference, but very close to it.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by postman

In the far distance is the Lleyn peninsula and the darkness over the mountains.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by postman

Having found the gate in the corner of the second field past the ruined house, look for this view, the circle surrounds the darker undergrowth.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by postman

A beautiful day, but, a winter visit would make the ring a bit more visible

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Waun Hir (Ring Cairn) by postman

Elsewhere plant trampling would be frowned upon but now and here Eric can have a pound if he makes it all the way round

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Waun Hir

New and improved fool proof directions.
Presuming you’ve gone past Bron y Foel Isaf, turned right into the fields by the footpath sign, and arrived easily at the ruined buildings with two pine trees. Now follow the wall from the ruins south, climbing unsteadily over two low loose walls, look right for an alcove in the field wall, pass it by and in the corner of this field is a gate. The east/west wall by the gate is actually aligned on the cairn circle. Go through the gate into the field towards a small circular group of bushes, the stones encircle the bushes.
Moving through the field towards the stones is harder than it sounds, the grass is very long, the ground very uneven and riddled with tiny streams.
The bushes within the ring are much more grown than my first time here, nine years ago, I couldn’t find it second time round, but I didn’t have fool proof directions like this time. Found it very easily, went straight to it.
The undergrowth, even in December, is covering the stones far too much, part of me wants to spend all day there cleaning up, chopping back, revealing stones, perhaps on a warm day in March, maybe I will, but I probably wont.
The cairn circle is in places several courses high, I find it hard to believe the kerb stones of a cairn circle would be on top of each other. Some fiddling seems to have gone on here, some large stones stand slightly off the circumference, a group of stones off the circles south west corner, suggest, something, Alken reckoned it might be another circle or something, maybe, they are very suggestive.
Some of the stones are very large, some are standing edge on to the cairn. It really does need clearing up.
The light was just amazing, the sun poured down upon us, blue skies over the sea, but cloudy darkness over the mountains. The weather and the light can make or break a site, I cant even imagine how gloomy and depressing the place would be in fog and rain, am I turning into a fair weather stoner?

Waun Hir

Drive past Bron y foel isaf burial chamber and where the lane turns too rough to drive park and walk. Just up the path a sign points right, follow the sign, past the ruined house, and this is where it gets tricky, the path fades in and out but if you can follow it across two little bridges then now is the time to veer left and go up hill wading through cow grass( not quite as big as elephant grass )and the occasional quagmire.
The ring cairn is a complete circle and I kinda liked it once I’d found it, even though it was almost hidden in the grass and bracken.I tramped around it revealing the stones as I went some are quite big. Not the most impressive site in this part of Wales but I cant help myself, I love it round here and I’ll keep on coming back until I’ve seen them all.


Waun Hir
Ring Cairn

The first time I came here I found it difficult to find, but find it I did, the summer ferns hid it all too well, So I reckoned a winter trip would reveal more.
We returned on the afternoon of the 5th January but alas we failed utterly to find it, i’m sure we must have passed within 50 yards of it. Gggrrrr I was pretty annoyed I can tell you, and not to mention wet and dirty.
This is a difficult site to locate even when you’ve been there before, in my defence it was seven years ago. Hey ho, one more go.

Sites within 20km of Waun Hir