Kammer found the going difficult from the road to the north west but ttTom found it easy enough coming from the east down off the mountain, can you guess which route I took.
There was room for one or two cars next to the footpaths on the road to the northwest of the cairn, but make sure your on the right path, not the big left one but the small steep single file path. I had read Kammers notes about this path but decided that it was summer now so hopefully it would be a bit drier, it wasn’t, in fact parts of the path are so worn by continuous water flow that its 5o% path and 50% stream, even though both my kids are old enough to take it, they still couldnt be bothered, so I left them fairy story style in the forest and carried on on my own. I’m not as bad as Hansel and Gretels dad though the cairn was only seventy yards away up the occasional path, I could hear them just fine messing about below me, if the trees were not there i would have been able to see them. Anyway there both children of nature so we were all ok.
The cairn is a big one, in a big clearing in a conifer plantation, the cairn isnt just the visible cairn material,( too many cairns?) its much bigger than that. The summer sun was streaming down upon me and I was just dripping in sweat, the midges were having a field day, and because of the slight chance that there may be a house made of sweets in the forest I walked around it once, inspected the exposed cist, noting the cast aside capstone which is still in one piece, then I proceeded to have a good tut about the shelter dug into its northern edge and the whacking great wall built across the cairn.
Then I made my way back down to the kids and off we went.
I told them we were just going up the road to turn round when wow would you look at that two standing stones “’ll just have a quick look”
awwwww daaaad ???