
Image of Gorseddau (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork) by postman

From Braich y Gornel. The large hut circle is on the bright green bit just below the centre of the picture, by the quarrying.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton



The biggest most impressive hut circle here, and that’s saying something cause there’s dozens and dozens of them, some Roman, some Medieval but mostly they’re Iron age.
The circle is situated under the hillside quarry banks , I’m sure there’s a proper word for them, but seeing as they’re made by people who dig up and sell mountains i’m not going to learn it.
To be honest I’d gotten mixed up on what I was looking for here, I thought I was nearly done with only a kerb cairn to go, but it seems there was one last hut circle that needed a looking at, it was a stonker.
It wasn’t tucked away in some hilly fold, it wasn’t hiding under some outcrop, it was out in the open, on level ground where every one could see it, and they could see every one.
There is even a low hillock to stand upon and look over the circle to Moel Hebog.
The walls are, in places, a couple of feet in height, the entrance is to the north, facing the mountain.

Time has gotten away from me here like no where else, I’m now going to have to modify my plans for places elsewhere. For now, find that kerb cairn.

Sites within 20km of Gorseddau